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Our Locations


3750 Canfield Street
Boulder, CO 80301

Parking is limited. Please use bike & bus transit whenever possible.


Hill (Pottery Lab)
1010 Aurora Avenue
Boulder, CO 80302

Street parking only. Please note parking signs - some areas limited to 2 hours.


3063 E. Sterling Circle
Boulder, CO 80301

Parking is available in the shared parking lot or on the street.


Open Lab Hours

Pottery Lab (84 of 86).jpg

Open Lab is time outside of class that students can come in and use the studio. Some adult classes include open lab time, which is scheduled separately each week. The studio is only available for currently-enrolled students. Please also remember that with just one studio, all open lab time must fit between classes. If you have any questions about open lab, please reach out via email to


Refund Policy


Refund Policy for all Classes, Workshops, Summer Camps, and Special Programs:
• Transfers to a different class in the same session must be made at least 14 days prior to the class/program start date and are subject to any difference in class fees. Registrations may only be transferred one time per session.

• Transfers to a different class in the same session will not be permitted within 14 days of the class/program start date.

• Cancellations requested made more than 14 days prior to the class/program start date will be granted a full refund, minus non-refundable Coursestorm fees.

• Cancellations made between 14 to 7 days prior to the class/program start date will granted a 50% refund, minus non-refundable Coursestorm fees.

• Cancellations made fewer than 7 days prior to the class/program start date will not be granted a refund.

• Registrations are valid only for the session they are listed in and are not deferrable to future sessions. 

• Registrations are not transferable to another person. If you would like to purchase a class on someone’s behalf, the intended registratrant’s information must be provided at the time of registration. 

Refund Policy for Date Nights:

• Date Night tickets are non-refundable. If you need to change or reschedule your reservation, please do so by 5:00pm on the Monday before your scheduled Date Night. No transfers are allowed after 5:00pm on the Monday prior to your Date Night.

• Registrations are not transferable to another person. If you would like to purchase a class on someone’s behalf, the intended registrant’s information must be provided at the time of registration. 

• Date Night tickets may only be rescheduled one time.

Please note: All Coursestorm fees are non-refundable.

Please send all transfer and cancellation/refund requests to

To read policies specific to adult classes, please visit the ADULT CLASS POLICIES & INFORMATION page.


Pay What You Can

We strive to make programs accessible to everyone, regardless of financial resources and circumstances. In addition to scholarships, some programs are offered on a Pay What You Can model that recognizes differences in wealth, income, and privilege.

For these classes, we list a suggested price that represents the cost per student of offering that program. During registration, you can write in any amount that represents your ability to cover all or a portion of this cost.

A "solidarity donation" is any amount over the suggested price. This additional amount is a tax-deductible donation. By making a solidarity donation you cover the direct cost of your participation as well as another student's. Solidarity donations are a way to acknowledge your privilege and support someone in our community who would not otherwise be able to access services. 

Please consider paying the full cost or adding a solidarity donation above the suggested price if you:

  • have a high degree of earning power,

  • own the home you live in,

  • have investments, inherited money, or access to family resources, or

  • work for an organization with significant resources. 

When you register for a pay-what-you-can program, please make the best decision for you based on your unique circumstances. We welcome any financial contribution you are able to make, and we will honor whatever financial exchange feels comfortable and meaningful to you. 

Thank you.


Clay & Firing Fees

Please take a look at the following information that applies to all adult clay classes.

Clay will be provided at no additional charge. Any clay purchased or obtained outside of Groundworks Art Lab will not be fired.

Firing Fees: (charged per piece)

  • Cost = $2 per pound of bisque-fired ware (with a limit of 60 pounds of bisqueware per session)

  •  Minimum charge = $0.50 per piece (applies to small pieces loaded individually)

  • “Flat Rate” = $5 additional surcharge for each piece under 2” tall AND larger than 9” in diameter (e.g. plates)

  • Weight will be rounded to the nearest 1⁄4 pound (4 ounces)

    Weighing and Payment:

    • Weigh-in times will be determined by the instructor and assistants in your class, open studio weigh times will be posted with lab hours.

    • $20 and $10 punch cards will be available for purchase and are the only acceptable form of payment during weigh-in. Cash, check, credit, and/or gift certificate are all acceptable forms of payment for punch card.

    • Punch cards are available for purchase in person during class.

    • Each piece weighed and paid for will receive a paper ticket to put with the piece after glazing.

    • Work will not be glaze fired without a ticket attached.

    • Each transaction will be logged with date, artist name, total number of pieces, total weight, and amount paid.

Refunds and Credits:

  • No refunds for firing fees. No exceptions.

  • Credits may be issued in the event of equipment failure or breakage ​by staff​ resulting in loss of the piece. Otherwise, no credit will be given for dissatisfaction with firing result.

Questions? reach out to

Frequently Asked Questions


You may be wondering...

How do I get in a class?
Our best advice is to go online several minutes before registration opens. Have your credit card in hand and your information ready. Refresh the event page a couple times and as soon as the button turns green click REGISTER. Then fill out all your information and complete the process without getting up from the computer. If you run into trouble, call us right away at (720) 379-6033.

I'm on the waitlist. When will I know if a spot opens up?
When a spot becomes available we will send you an email from Eventbrite with a link where you can register. You will have a very short window of time, maybe 24 hours, to complete your registration. So, be sure to check your email daily. If you get an email, click on the link and be sure to completely finish the registration process. Typically, no additional waitlist spots will become available after the second week of class.

If I know I'm going to miss a class, can I do a make-up?
The Lab is full with adult and youth classes 7 days a week, 48 weeks a year. (We’re only closed for one maintenance week and around the holidays.) Typically, every class is full, which means there is simply no space for students to make up classes. If we cancel an entire class due to weather or other emergencies, we can not guarantee we will be able to schedule a make-up class. Individuals who miss a class will not be able to make it up.

I can't find my pottery piece. Where could it be?
- If you last saw it on the wet rack downstairs, it is most likely still there but may have been moved to make room for your fellow classmates' work. Ask your instructor to help you search for it during your next class.
- If you put it on the drying rack upstairs, it is probably still there but may have been moved to balance the ware boards. Or, it may have been loaded into a bisque kiln. Ask your instructor or a friend to help you look for it.
- If you left it on the to-be-bisqued roller racks, it is either currently in the electric bisque kilns upstairs or it has been moved to the rack/shelves of bisque-ware. Many bisqued pieces look the same, so this is where it's helpful to have your initials or unique mark on each of your pieces.
- If you glazed it and put it on the ware boards upstairs, check the "oops" cart upstairs to make sure there were no problems with the glaze. If it's not on the cart, your piece is either in the gas kiln outside or on the shelves of finished work outside. Often pieces look smaller after gas firing and glazes can change depending on the unique atmosphere of each firing. So, be patient and hunt well. If you don't find it, check again in a few days.

When will the kiln be unloaded? and/or When is the next firing?
Electric bisque kilns upstairs are unloaded & reloaded on the following days: Sunday, Tuesday, and Friday.
Gas kilns outside are loaded on Tuesday, fired on Wednesday, and unloaded on Sunday.
Please check the white board at the bottom of the stairs for details about the next firing.

My piece missed the last firing. Will it go in next time?
We try our best to move pieces through the system as efficiently as possible and in a timely manner. Each kiln load is a unique 3-D puzzle. We fit as many pieces into each load as we can, but sometimes there are pieces that don't fit or that are left over after the kiln is full. In order to not waste resources, we will wait to fire those remaining pieces until there is enough work to fill the kiln again. You can help by encouraging your friends to finish glazing their pieces!
We typically fire the gas kilns every week and sometimes we fire two kilns at once. At the end of the session there is often a rush of work to be fired and it can take an extra week or two to get everything through the firing process. Please be patient and check the outside shelves regularly. We promise we will not get rid of any left-over work without sending an email announcement first.

I’ve heard clay dust can be dangerous if you breathe it in. How do you keep people safe?
Silicosis is a long-term disease caused by inhaling large amounts of silica dust, usually over many years. Silica is a common mineral found in many types of rock and soil, as well as clay. Silicosis is a concern for professional potters who work with clay full-time over their career. We take special precautions for our staff when they are working with dry materials, such as using a vent-hood and a respirator mask, to reduce their direct exposure to dust particles. For the safety of all staff and students we use routine cleaning procedures to reduce the general amount of dust in the studio: all studio surfaces (wheels, tables, etc.) are wiped down daily and deep-cleaned every other month; the floors are vacuumed with a HEPA filter 3x per week and pressure-washed every other month; filters are changed monthly. We also have air purifiers that run continuously and N95 masks available for anyone who needs one. It is also studio policy that any sanding be done outdoors.

Are Groundworks Art Lab, Studio Arts Boulder, and the Pottery Lab the same thing?
Yes! Studio Arts Boulder is our old name. The City of Boulder Pottery Lab is the official name of the building at our Hill location.

If students pay class fees, why does Studio Arts Boulder also ask for donations?
Donations are critical for the long-term financial security and sustainability of the organization. They improve resilience for times when enrollment might drop unexpectedly. They also help us provide free and reduced-rate programs to folks who cannot afford to pay fees. In addition to pay-what-you-can classes and scholarships, we also do several free partner programs each week to bring clay experiences to people who need art the most… children and seniors in low-income housing, adults with mild traumatic brain injuries, homeless teens & youth in crisis, survivors of domestic violence, kids at risk of dropping out, and more. We could not serve vulnerable members of our community without generous financial support from our donors.

Why do you save pieces for sales?
The studio has a long history of selling student and staff artwork to the public. Neighbors and collectors come year after year to buy pieces for their own enjoyment or to give as gifts.
We currently have two sales each year:
   - in September at our Fall Pottery Sale held in conjunction with our annual Chili Bowl street party, and
   - in December our Holiday Sale held at prAna Boulder features staff and instructor work.
Student work that is abandoned after each session is then sorted, saved, and sold to raise money for operations and partner programs. You are also invited to donate pieces any time during the year.

I've got other skills besides clay. Can I help somehow?
Absolutely! We are always looking for volunteers to organize events, join our board, serve as teaching assistants, and help us with everything it takes to be a thriving nonprofit. Send an email to Your skills and expertise can definitely be put to good use!