Print Adult Classes

Book Arts classes too! - Scroll to the bottom to see

Got a kiddo? Don’t forget to check out our Summer Camps! Camps run from May 27 - August 8 and are available to register now.



All Monday and Tuesday classes will be available to register on Monday, March 31 at 8:00am.

All Wednesday and Thursday classes will be available to register on Wednesday, April 2 at 8:00am.

All Friday, Saturday, and Sunday classes will be available to register on Friday, April 4 at 8:00am.


Printmaking Classes

Adaptive Print

This four week class is offered exclusively to folks living with acquired/traumatic brain injuries and to those living with developmental, physical or intellectual disabilities.

Our experienced instructors and supportive assistants will guide you through the exciting world of printmaking. You’ll learn how to create a simple monotype: a unique, one-of-a-kind print. We’ll provide a calm and encouraging environment, with an adaptable studio and easy-to-use tools. Our small class size (limited to 8 students) ensures personalized attention from the instructor and assistants. Caregivers are welcome to join us.

To register, please reach out to Sara Hailey at, to make sure the class will fit your needs.


4-Week Session 2B

Thursdays 1:00pm - 3:30pm
April 3 - April 24
Instructor: Molly Hoverstock
Location: Main (3750 Canfield Street Boulder, CO 80301)
Cost: Pay What You Can - suggested $115

Available Now!

4-Week Session 3A

Thursdays 1:00pm - 3:30pm
May 1 - May 22
Instructor: Molly Hoverstock
Location: Main (3750 Canfield Street Boulder, CO 80301)
Cost: Pay What You Can - suggested $115

Will be available to register on Wednesday, April 2 at 8:00am

4-Week Session 3A

Thursdays 1:00pm - 3:30pm
May 29 - June 19
Instructor: Molly Hoverstock
Location: Main (3750 Canfield Street Boulder, CO 80301)
Cost: Pay What You Can - suggested $115

Will be available to register on Wednesday, April 2 at 8:00am

Quick Print! Rotating One-day Classes (Session 3A - Wednesdays)

Beginner/All Level Printmaking

Welcome to Quick Print! These one-time classes offer students a crash course in one specific type of print without the commitment of a multi-week class. Perfect for beginners, experimenters, or anyone looking for a fun way to learn a new skill fast!

You’re welcome to treat this collection of classes as a series and sign up for all of them if you like, but if you’re looking for a longer-form introduction to printmaking, keep scrolling to check out one of our 4-week samplers instead.

Session 3A Quick Prints will all be available to register on Wednesday, April 2 at 8:00am

Side by side photo of an etched Tetra Pak to the left of the color print made with it to the right. Image is of a Tibetan singing bowl on a pillow.

One-Day Tetra Pak Printmaking

Reduce, reuse, reimagine with Tetra Pak printmaking! Printmakers have a special kind of curiosity—the type that makes you look at an empty carton and think, "I bet I can print with that." That instinct to experiment and repurpose is exactly what led to Tetra Pak printmaking.

Wednesday April 30
5:30pm - 8:30pm
Instructor: Renate Mairie

Photograph of an embossed print of a feather. Blind embossed print is from the Groundworks Art Lab Print Studio in Boulder, CO.

One-Day Printing Without Ink (Blind Embossing)

Did you know that you can create prints without ever getting ink on your hands? Embossing is a simple form of printmaking that utilizes nothing more than good lighting to create beautiful imagery with delicate shadows.

Wednesday May 7
5:30pm - 8:30pm
Instructor: Renate Mairie

A photograph of two relief prints - one green print with a line drawing of a frog, and one yellow print of a citrus fruit cross section. Both prints are on a table next to a brayer and carving tool.

One-Day Linocut Printmaking

Learn the basics of relief printmaking using linoleum. This class provides an introduction to carving a linoleum block to create a small series of prints. Linoleum is great for beginners and seasoned printmakers alike as it doesn't have a grain like wood so carving it is nice and smooth.

Wednesday May 14
5:30pm - 8:30pm
Instructor: Renate Mairie

A close up photograph of a drypoint print of a line drawing of an old woman holding a cane in one hand and an ice cream cone in the other to the left of the source image in a magazine.

One-Day Acid-Free Etching with Drypoint

Drypoint printmaking is a fascinating intaglio (incising a plate) technique where images are scratched into a plate with a hard-pointed needle or tool. The scratches create burrs (raised edges) that hold ink, making it easy to get started with printing your design. And don't worry, you don't have to be an expert at drawing - we have stacks of magazines you can trace images out of.

Wednesday May 21
5:30pm - 8:30pm
Instructor: Renate Mairie

Quick Print! Rotating One-day Classes (Session 3B - Fridays)

Beginner/All Level Printmaking

Welcome to Quick Print! These one-time classes offer students a crash course in one specific type of print without the commitment of a multi-week class. Perfect for beginners, experimenters, or anyone looking for a fun way to learn a new skill fast!

You’re welcome to treat this collection of classes as a series and sign up for all of them if you like, but if you’re looking for a longer-form introduction to printmaking, keep scrolling to check out one of our 4-week samplers instead.

Session 3B Quick Prints will all be available to register on Friday, April 4 at 8:00am

Side by side photo of an etched Tetra Pak to the left of the color print made with it to the right. Image is of a Tibetan singing bowl on a pillow.

One-Day Tetra Pak Printmaking

Reduce, reuse, reimagine with Tetra Pak printmaking! Printmakers have a special kind of curiosity—the type that makes you look at an empty carton and think, "I bet I can print with that." That instinct to experiment and repurpose is exactly what led to Tetra Pak printmaking.

Friday May 30
5:30pm - 8:30pm
Instructor: TBD

One-Day Printing On Fabric

This class puts the fab in fabric! Students will get an introduction to relief block printing, mixing and applying ink and printing their fun, unique design on cloth. 

Starter fabric will be provided, but if you have plant-based fabric (linen, cotton, hemp, etc.), for example: cloth for sewing, T-shirt, tote bag, etc., at home that you would love to print on please bring it to class.

Friday June 6
5:30pm - 8:30pm
Instructor: TBD

Experimental Printmaking with Found Objects

This class is for all you rule breakers and boundary pushers! This fast-paced class will explore some creative alternatives to traditional printmaking techniques with a multitude of found objects, alternative forms, and straight up trash.

Friday June 13
5:30pm - 8:30pm
Instructor: TBD

Photograph of a hand holding a collaged printing plate to the left of an orange and red print of the same design of three concentric circles.

One-Day Printmaking with Collage

Collagraphy is a printmaking process in which found materials are glued or sealed to a rigid substrate (paperboard in this instance) to create a plate.

This quick class will run you through the basics of creating a unique, free-form collaged plate, mixing and applying ink, and using our printing presses to make totally original artwork that you can treasure forever.

Friday June 20
5:30pm - 8:30pm
Instructor: TBD

A close up photograph of a student's hands as they carve an image into a woodblock during a printmaking class at Groundworks Art Lab in Boulder, CO.

What a Relief!: Relief Printmaking Sampler

Beginner/All Level Relief Printmaking

New to printmaking and don't know where to start? Look no further than our introductory relief printmaking sampler!

This sampler will take you on a more directed 4-week tour of the world of relief printing (carving an image into or out of a block). Each week, the instructor will show you a different media to carve - be it Speedycut (rubber), linoleum, wood, or something experimental like an old tire or a piece of traffic cone. You'll learn all this as well as how to measure and tear paper, mixing and applying ink, and the basics of using the printing press.

This course provides a great way to get a real sense of the art of relief printmaking, and to identify which direction to go next. Once you start, your options are endless!

P.S. These Samplers are “Pay What You Can


4-Week Session 3A

Fridays 5:30pm - 8:00pm
May 2 - May 23
Pay What You Can - suggested $245
Instructor: TBD

Class will be available to register on Friday, April 4 at 8:00am

3-Week Session 3B

Mondays 5:30pm - 8:00pm
June 2 - June 16
Pay What You Can - suggested $185
Instructor: TBD

Class will be available to register on Monday, March 31 at 8:00am

Wide shot photo of a group of students working on a project in Groundworks Art Lab's Printmaking Studio at 3750 Canfield Street, Boulder, CO 80301

Everything but the Kitchen Ink: Printmaking Sampler

Beginner/All Level Printmaking

New to printmaking and don't know where to start? Look no further than our 4-week introductory printmaking sampler! 

Each week our instructor will lead students through introductory techniques for different types of printmaking such as relief (carving into a block), monotype (one-of-a-kind prints made by layering objects on a plate), and intaglio (scratching an image into a surface). You'll learn all this as well as how to measure and tear paper, mixing and applying ink, and the basics of using the printing press.

This course provides a great way to get a real sense of the art of printmaking, and to identify which direction to go next! Once you start, your options are endless!

P.S. These Samplers are “Pay What You Can


4-Week Session 3A

Sundays 10:00am - 12:30pm
May 4 - May 25
Pay What You Can - suggested $245
Instructor: Jax Perna

Class will be available to register on Friday, April 4 at 8:00am

4-Week Session 3B

Sundays 10:00am - 12:30pm
June 1 - June 22
Pay What You Can - suggested $245
Instructor: Jax Perna

Class will be available to register on Friday, April 4 at 8:00am

Painterly Printmaking

Beginner/All Level Monotype Printmaking 

Monotypes are known for their painterly qualities, allowing artists to create spontaneous and expressive images, either through unique combinations of inks, or layering any number of stencils, textures and/or found objects over the inked surface. Each monotype is a completely one-of-a-kind print, making this an exciting exploration of the variability and spontinaeity of printmaking!

Each week, the instructor will demo introductory techniques, including making a monotype plate, mixing and applying ink, and making a print using the press. No experience necessary!


4-week Session 3A

Mondays 1:30pm - 4:30pm
April 28 - May 19
Instructor: Melissa Pickering

Class will be available to register on Monday, March 31 at 8:00am

Print-Your-Own Summer Party Invites & Decor

Beginner/All Level Printmaking 

Got a summer BBQ coming up? How about a graduation party, or a Fourth of July blowout? Well whatever you're celebrating this summber, we've got you covered!

In this class, you'll make everything you need to host a successful party using block printing (relief printmaking) techniques. Each week, students will DIY essential party supplies including invitations, decorations, accessories, and party favors. Learn the basics of relief printmaking on various materials and come away with skills that can be applied in fun and creative ways.

Party on!


4-week Session 3A

Mondays 5:30pm - 8:30pm
April 28 - May 19
Instructor: Akane Kleinkopf

Class will be available to register on Monday, March 31 at 8:00am

Photograph of a hand holding a collaged printing plate to the left of an orange and red print of the same design of three concentric circles.

Printing with Collage

Beginner/All Level Intaglio Printmaking

Collagraphy is a printmaking process in which found materials are glued or sealed to a rigid substrate (paperboard in this instance) to create a plate. Once inked, the plate becomes a tool for imprinting the design onto paper with the resulting print termed a collagraph. The term "collagraph" is derived from the Greek word koll or kolla (also where the French get "collage"), meaning glue, and graph, meaning the activity of drawing.

This 4-week class will run you through the basics of creating a unique, free-form collaged plate, mixing and applying ink, and using our printing presses to make totally original artwork that you can treasure forever (instead of hoarding weird bits of garbage you can't stand to part with).


4-week Session 3A

Tuesdays 10:00am - 1:00pm
April 29 - May 20
Instructor: Melissa Pickering

Class will be available to register on Monday, March 31 at 8:00am

Linoleum Block Printing

Beginner/All Level Relief Printmaking

It carves smooth and gives you clean lines - that's what makes linoleum block printing so dang satisfying. This 4-week introduction to relief printmaking is great for those who have limitied experience, but an appreciation for ASMR.

Each week, students will get instruction in introductory techniques, including carving a linoleum block, mixing and rolling ink, and making a print using the press. Get in on the fun!


4-Week Session 3B

Wednesdays 5:30 - 8:30pm
May 28 - June 18
Instructor: Renate Mairie
Location: Main (3750 Canfield Street Boulder, CO 80301)
Cost: $245

Will be available to register on Wednesday, April 2 at 8:00am

That’s So Etch: Acid-Free Copper Etching

Beginner/All Level Intaglio Printmaking

We're making "etch" happen, y'all! Copper etching is an intaglio (incising a plate) technique that typically requires harsh chemicals and acids. But at Groundworks, we're all about bucking tradition and trying new methods and are excited to offer an acid-free alternative.

Join us for a captivating 4-week printmaking class, where creativity and craftsmanship intertwine! Perfect for curious printmakers, this class offers a hands-on exploration of our chemical-free etching technique, engage with tools and materials, and design and print a copper plate.


4-Week Session 3B

Thursdays 5:30pm - 8:30pm
May 29 - June 19
Instructor: Aaron Winston
Location: Main (3750 Canfield Street Boulder, CO 80301)
Cost: $245

Will be available to register on Wednesday, April 2 at 8:00am

A close up photograph of a teacher helping a student pull a squeegee across a silk screen to make a red stenciled print.

Pop-Art Printmaking: Screen Printing Basics

Beginner/All Level Screen Printing

Channel your inner Andy Warhol and come try screen printing, also known as silk screen printing.

This class is great for those who have limited printmaking experience and will provide an introduction from design conception to making a stencil, transferring it to the screen, and making a successful print. Each week, the instructor will walk students through a different step of the technical screen printing process, breaking it down to its basics and opening your world to the myriad possibilities of this fun and adaptable printing process.


4-Week Session 3A

Saturdays 10:00am-12:30pm
May 3 - May 24
Instructor: Elizabeth Long

Class will be available to register on Friday, April 4 at 8:00am

4-Week Session 3B

Saturdays 10:00am-12:30pm
May 31 - June 21
Instructor: Elizabeth Long

Class will be available to register on Friday, April 4 at 8:00am

Multi-colored prints laid out in a grid.

Learning Color Theory Through Reduction Printmaking

Intermediate/Advanced Relief Printmaking

Color plays an important role in any visual medium; it impacts how we see, perceive, and interpret visual stimulus and is therefore an important tool for any artist. In this 8-week class for intermediate to advanced artists of any medium, we'll practice color theory and cover the basics of making a reduction print by carving linoleum blocks to create unique, one-of-a-kind prints.

Single block, multiple colors: Unlike traditional color printmaking where separate blocks are used for each color, reduction printmaking uses only one block, carving away areas after each layer is printed, resulting in a layered, reduced print to create a multi-colored image.

This is a level 2 class, students should have some level of printmaking experience to participate.


8-Week Session 3

Tuesdays 5:30pm - 8:30pm
April 29 - May 20
Instructor: Heather Kahn-Pyatt

Class will be available to register on Monday, March 31 at 8:00am

Printmaking Using Woodblock

Intermediate/Advanced Relief Printmaking

Woodblock printing has a rich history, particularly in East Asian cultures, where it was used to create both text and images on the same block. Also known as woodcut, woodblock printing is a relief printmaking technique where areas of the wood block that are not meant to be printed are carved away, leaving the image areas raised. 

This 8-week intermediate to advanced level relief print class expands on the basics of relief and will include weekly instruction on techniques including carving, mixing and rolling ink, measuring and tearing paper, using the printing press, and making an edition of prints.

This is a level 2 class, students are recommended to have some level of printmaking experience to participate.


8-Week Session 3

Wednesdays 1:30 - 4:30pm
April 30 - May 21
Instructor: Akane Kleinkopf

Class will be available to register on Wednesday, April 2 at 8:00am

Printmaking “Office Hours”

You've taken a class, but now you just want to be heads down working on your block, plate, or other idea, and you want to print it! We can help. Sign up for this freeform session to get some time in the studio, with an instructor present to answer questions and operate the press. There will be a limit of 4 people, to ensure you'll have press time.

What's included: Time in the studio and use of the press, with an instructor present, 1 sheet of 22"x30" archival quality printmaking paper (Arches, Rives, or other) and a limited amount of ink/modifiers, tools, such as palatte knives, basic carving tools, etc. Cost for Office Hours is $40.

What's not included: Your plate/block - bring your own, whatever you worked on in class or purchase your own, extra paper - we'll get you started, but bring the specific paper you want to use for your project.

“Office Hours” for Session 2 will be from 1:30-4:30pm on Wednesdays and 9:30am-12:30pm on Thursdays. Click here to reserve your spot today!

Book Arts League

We are excited to announce our partnership with the Book Arts League. The Book Arts League is a Colorado-based community of individuals who share an interest in letterpress printing, calligraphy, and bookbinding.

Book Arts Open Studio

Open Studio Hours The Book Arts League is excited to announce that we will now offer open studio hours! Our shop will be available monthly for you to print your work. Below are the open studio dates for the first quarter. BAL board members will be your hosts and will assist you with your printing projects. Please bring your own paper and get ready to print. Click here to reserve your spot today!